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When it comes to self defense, BJJ empowers a smaller individual to fight against a larger opponent. But the advantages don’t stop there. BJJ helps kids gain confidence, learn discipline, focus their energy, foster respect for others, and be a part of a one-of-a-kind community full of future friends and mentors!

I speak with many parents who are interested in getting their children started in Jiu-jitsu. However, they want to wait until their kids are older.
There is a fear that a 3,4,5 or even 6 year old child is too young to benefit from a structured Jiu-jitsu program.
Actually, I believe that 3-6 years old is a great age to get started and one of the best ways to prevent problems such as bullying and to get your child speaking up and learning where to draw the line.
Choosing the right program
When choosing a Jiu-jitsu school for your 3-6 year old child, there are several things to consider. First of all, you want to make sure that the school has a separate class for this age group. While 3-6 is a great age to start, mixing the class with older kids has a vastly been proven to help speed up the learning process of child development with learning skills and focusing on instruction in a group setting with lots of small distractions.
Benefits of starting Jiu-jitsu very early
In the beginning, most 3-6 year olds won’t be learning any advanced techniques. But they will learn other very valuable skills. Focus, Listening, Respect, Manners are just a few of the attitude improvements that parents notice soon after starting classes.
Agility, Balance, hand eye Coordination and Strength basic body Mechanicsare some of the biggest physical benefits that kids will gain after they enroll into a solid Jiu-jitsu school.
In summary, the benefits of starting Jiu-jitsu at a very young age are vast. Children get a head start in life by learning discipline, focus and manners will help and translate to faster learning at school or at home.
Things will happen at school or daycare or the playground.  Give your child the best advantage to stand up Verbally and  Physically if they need be.
When coupling this with realistic self defense skills and improved physicality, you have the formula for an outstanding young adult in the making.


girls BJJ kids rolling

Teaches Self-Defense

As a parent, your first priority is keeping your child safe. That’s why we are so passionate about equipping kids with the invaluable self-defense skills that BJJ provides. While all forms of Jiu-jitsu prepare students for real-life altercations and provide essential lessons on how to protect oneself, Jiu-Jitsu takes self-defense to another level. Jiu Jitu is unique in its ability to mirror situations students could potentially face in the real world.

Provides A Safe Environment

Preparing to defend oneself against an attacker sounds scary, but we promise to make sure that your child feels comfortable and safe throughout the entire process. We enforce a strict policy of acceptance, respect, and care for others that is incorporated into everything we do – whether it’s student-instructor interactions, warm-ups, sparring, or student friendships. From day one, we encourage students to express any questions and concerns they may have. We believe that communication is the key to creating a healthy and uplifting training environment.

Improves Health and Fitness

Our Kids Jiu Jitsu doesn’t just teach your child essential self-defense skills, it helps them in all aspects of their life. Having the ability to protect yourself will create a unique type of confidence in your child that carries over into their ability to speak out in class, make new friends, and stand up for themselves and others against bullies. Not to mention, Jiu Jitsu is great for your child’s health. This martial arts discipline is known for providing students with a full-body workout that boosts flexibility, improves coordination, and creates positive lifestyle habits.

Creates Community

From the moment a child steps into our building, they will be met with a supportive and inclusive environment of instructors and fellow students who want them to succeed. Because students regularly spar each other in class, you may be surprised to learn just how strong the friendships in our BJJ classes are. Jiu Jitsu teaches kids the thrill of winning as well as the humility of losing, and we make sure our students respect each other throughout all the highs and lows of their training.

Confidence Building

Martial Arts of Waco is dedicated to empowering you with the confidence and self-esteem needed to succeed in everyday life. Jiu Jitsu can bring out the positive qualities that have always been a part of you, whether that is inner calm, positive mental attitude, patience, or self-discipline. Jiu Jitsu training will help you overcome fear, anger, and self-doubt, and leave you feeling confident in any situation.

Instills Focus

A huge part of what makes BJJ so great is that it doesn’t just strengthen the body, it strengthens the mind as well. Many parents worry that Jiu Jitsu won’t be the right fit for their child because he or she has a lot of energy. But this couldn’t be further from the truth! At Martial Arts of Waco, we want our students to be energetic and excited when they come to class – our goal is simply to focus that energy. After a long day sitting at a desk, kids need a place to let loose. Our BJJ curriculum aims to take all that pent up energy and direct it into throws, blows, and a wide variety of fun activities.


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